by Olivia-Rose Grey | May 28, 2021 | How To, Just Sell
If you’re dipping your toe into social media marketing, you’ve probably heard of Canva. Valued at an eye-watering $15billion, Canva has taken the graphic design and marketing community by storm; allowing marketers around the world to create beautiful...
by Olivia-Rose Grey | May 28, 2021 | How To, Just Sell
In this article I will be sharing with you my top tips on how to make your listing photos look high-quality and professional without needing to use expensive photography equipment. If you are just starting your e-commerce store, ensuring quality across the board can...
by Olivia-Rose Grey | May 13, 2021 | Blog
COVID-19 has changed the majority of our lifestyles. Whilst prior to the pandemic it was widely considered common practice to meet tenants, landlords, contractors and co-workers in person to discuss matters, nowadays we are seeing a shift towards digitised practices....
by Olivia-Rose Grey | May 13, 2021 | Blog
Let’s suppose you are the owner of small business and you need to multitask and keep track of everything that needs to be done, every check. Wouldn’t it be difficult to memorise all of them? To record all tasks on paper? Checkki is the App that can help you stay...
by Olivia-Rose Grey | May 13, 2021 | Blog
Handle Repairs Quickly And Easily: Tenants can send you a photograph and a description of where the repair is needed. This allows you to get a quote from contractors. By allowing you to inspect the problem without having to physically go to it. This system gives you...